The Return on Investment of an Energy Management System

The building stock is a major consumer of energy and accounts for 40% of total energy consumption in Europe. Approximately half of this consumption occurs during the design and construction phase and has to be controlled by builders, engineers, architects and other actors. The other half occurs during the lifetime of buildings (IDAE), as they […]

State of Energy Management in 2023 [Survey]

2023 has been one of the most hectic years for the energy sector: energy crisis, consumption reduction, and zero carbon objectives… This has only strengthened the challenges Energy professionals have been facing for many years now.  More than ever, the objective of sustainable energy management is at the heart of the public debate, notably due […]

AI-powered Solutions for Utilities: Enhancing Customer Experience and Sustainability

In an era marked by rapid digitalisation and increased competition, utilities are facing a multitude of challenges. The days of merely selling electricity are long gone, and high energy prices have prompted customers to reevaluate their choices for energy providers. In such a dynamic landscape, utilities need innovative solutions to stay relevant, diversify their offerings, […]

Commissioning Management: Performance Guarantee for Buildings

Whether we are talking about a new build or an energy-efficient refurbishment project, it is essential to adopt a comprehensive approach, covering all phases from design to operation.  Commissioning management is a comprehensive approach that provides a structured framework for verifying, testing and validating a building’s performance. Its main aim is to ensure that the […]

The Growing Role of Energy Efficiency in Public Administration

Historically, the role of the Public Administration has been to drive, promote, support and create a framework in which companies contribute their knowledge and experience in the different sectors, enabling citizens to improve their well-being every day and to be able to count on a multitude of services that perfectly cover their needs. Nowadays, there […]

4 methods to measure the Energy Savings of your Facilities through an Energy Management System

Today, it is essential to make data-driven decisions. That’s why measuring energy efficiency with reliable tools will allow you to assess the real impact of your work and enable you to make the right decisions for your project. Always based on measurable, quantifiable and real data. Our latest guide explores different approaches that, as a […]

From Data to Sustainability: The Promise of Energy Management SaaS

Data collection is a crucial foundation for any Energy Management System (EMS) platform. It’s the groundwork that helps organisations make smart decisions, save money, and ultimately improve their sustainability.  In this article, we’ll explore why gathering data in an EMS platform is so important, have an overview of the technologies that make it possible, and […]